What does „Bündner Fleisch“ (sun-dried meat) have to do with vitamin D?
It is 1895, rickets and tuberculosis are rampant in Europe, especially in the areas north of Italy. The Bündner mountain doctor Oscar Bernhard was worried about a bad wound that did not want to heal. He later wrote in his book:
"When I came to the hospital on a splendid morning and the sun shone warm through the open windows and a refreshing, tingling air filled the entire hospital room, the thought suddenly came to me to expose this great wound to the sun and air, same as mountain farmers in this Swiss mountainous area do with their fresh meat. They expose fresh pieces of meat to dry, sunny mountain-air, thus preventing bacterial growth. In this way, they the tasty and world-famous Bündnerfleisch is made. I decided to try this antiseptic and drying effect of sun and air on living tissue as well ".
That was the decisive flash of inspiration: exposing to sun and fresh air would dry, granulate and heal the wound. And that's how it was! Heliotherapy began its triumphal succcess for more than 50 years.
Other altitude hospitals even started to cure bone tuberculosis with sun exposure. In this form of tuberculosis, the mycobacteria do not nest in the lungs but in the bones.
Soon, the French physician Rollier in Leysin opened the first clinic specializing in heliotherapy for tuberculosis patients.
But Rollier supplemented the therapeutic sunbathing with exercise and work. Almost naked, he let his patients exercise in the open air. And that showed effect.
In all these years no case of skin cancer is known in these individuals.
The UVB portion of the solar spectrum stimulates the body's own production of vitamin D. It has been proven today that vitamin D not only strengthens the immune system but also the nervous system and bone health. More comprehensive information can be found on 68 pages in the newly published book: Blu Room – Experience future (English version) ISBN 13:978-154- 712915-7, the German version: Blu Room – Zukunft hautnah erfahren. Author: Irmgard Gräf ISBN 978-3-00-058322-3
Foto: https://m.srf.ch/kultur/wissen/ein-schweizer-grosserfolg-mit-sonnenlicht-gegen-tuberkulose
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